The Spiritual Process is an organic unfolding of revelation, realization, and transformation guided by the very power and intelligence that is awakening to itself. It is not something you "do", and it does not ask you to be something other than what you are, or some place other than where you are. Right now, and in every moment. You don't need to be "spiritual" or to "get it." You already ARE IT. And as misunderstanding is replaced by the clarity of direct experience, and as what has been feared or rejected is quietly and warmly welcomed, the obscurations to the Truth fall away or are no longer perceived as obscurations. Our mind and body become more open and transparent to the light and presence that shines through it. Our eternal and perfect spiritual nature is not in question. Yet, we can ask: "What seems to be in the way of realizing it? Our basic dignity as a human being is not in question. Yet, we can ask: "Am I relating to myself as I would with someone I deeply love and respect?" Our shared future on this planet IS in question. It seems more than a little possible that catastrophic change is in store for generations to come. Yet, we can ask: "How do I wish to live in the face of this likelihood?” Our responses determine our experience. If we want to realize more of who we are both as unlimited awareness and possibility, and as the full spectrum of our unique human expression, we can - and must - learn to look in the right place and to exercise our capacity to respond wisely and skillfully to what we find there.
What if Covid-19 is merely the beginning of a global process of profound change?
One of the most common human fears is that of change. Yes, we are generally okay with change as long as we are in control of when and how much. Most people enjoy ongoing moderate changes in most areas of their lives. However, when we are not in control of the change and it is happening quickly, that is a whole different story. Then, our brain shifts into high alert because we are moving in unknown territory. Even when the change is beneficial and positive, it can evoke feelings of unease. And, even when our current situation is far from optimal and sustainable, we may want to hold tight to what we know rather than risk opening to new possibilities. Regardless of what we think we want or don’t want, change is here, and much more is on the way. As a result, it seems quite apparent that psychological (and biological) resistance to the new world we are living in or will be living in will be a ubiquitous feature of the times ahead. There are many unhealthy ways to respond to this challenge. You are probably quite familiar with your own greatest hits. Fortunately, there are also very empowering and liberating ways to respond to significant and fast changes. I trust you know the difference between an attitude to change that generates more stress and unhappiness, and one that empowers you to face what you must, feel what you must, release what you must, and do what you must. If this speaks to you, I encourage you to take some time to clarify your intent. How do you want to view the changes that are happening? How do you want to respond in the face of them? We are so much stronger than we know. We can do hard things. |
Saleem's BlogSaleem Berryman is a contemporary spiritual teacher and psycho-spiritual guide. Archives
January 2021
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